Existing Conditions Guide
Existing Conditions of Philadelphia Public Schools.
Handed out during protests at the Board of Education by parents fighting for better schools for the city's children, this field guide communicates with words and illustrations the toxic hazards present in too many Philadelphia schools. The guide is meant to be colored in with crayons, often provided at the protests where many children can grow board.
Many of Philadelphia’s public-school students are exposed to school buildings that can physically make them sick.
Lead and damaged asbestos pose a toxic risk to children, and mold and rodent feces are dangerous asthma triggers. All of these are far too commonly found in Philadelphia classrooms.
As physical school buildings age, significant capital improvement projects and maintenance repairs are needed to maintain safety in our schools.
This guide was produced with help from Parents United for Public Education, Our City Our Schools, and the Philadelphia Home and School Council. It was created by Akira Drake Rodriguez, Daniel Flinchbaugh, Jamaica Reese-Julien, Rebecca Yi, and Sarah Massey.